Class 8 Science


Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Cell organelles are present in which part of the cell?

Answer: Cytoplasm

Question 2: How will you define a cell?

Answer: Cell is the structural unit of a living being.

Question 3: How will you define a unicellular organism?

Answer: An organism which is composed of a single cell is called unicellular organism.

Question 4: How will you define a multicellular organism?

Answer: An organism which is composed of more than one cell is called multicellular organism.

Question 5: What is tissue?

Answer: A group of specialized cells made for a specific task is called a tissue.

Question 6: What is an organ?

Answer: A group of tissues made to perform a specific set of functions is called an organ.

Question 7: What are pseudopodia?

Answer: Finger like projections outside the cell of amoeba are called pseudopodia.

Question 8: What is cytoplasm?

Answer: The jelly-like substance present between the cell and nucleus is called cytoplasm.

Question 9: Define prokaryotic organisms?

Answer: Organisms in which nucleus is absent are called prokaryotic organisms.

Question 10: Define eukaryotic organisms?

Answer: Organisms in which nucleus is present are called eukaryotic organisms.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Write a short note on plasma membrane.

Answer: Cell membrane is also called plasma membrane. It makes the boundary of a cell. It is composed of protein and lipid. It is porous and allows various materials to pass through it. Cell membrane is semi-permeable in nature which means it allows selected materials to pass through it.

Question 2: Write a short note on cell wall.

Answer: Cell wall is present in plant cells and in bacteria. Cell wall in plants is made up of cellulose. Cell wall gives additional strength and protection to plant cells.

Question 3: What are the functions of nucleus?

Answer: Functions of nucleus are as follows:

Question 4: What are functions of pseudopodia?

Answer: Functions of pseudopodia are as follows:

Question 5: Why do we resemble our parents?

Answer: We know that genes transfer characters from parents to offsprings. It is because of inheritance that we get characters from our parents. Due to this, we resemble our parents.

Question 6: Comment on shape of cells.

Answer: Cells show wide variety in terms of shape.

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