Zodiac Signs

Interesting Facts


Aries is the first zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Mesh. Both the English and Hindi names mean a ram. It is quite inconspicuous and difficult to locate in the night sky.


Taurus is the second zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Vrish. Both the English and Hindi names mean a bull. It is quite faint and difficult to locate in the night sky. It is near the constellation Ursa Minor which looks like a miniature version of Ursa Major.


Gemini is the third zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Mithun. Both the English and Hindi names mean twins. It appears like two stick figures holding hands.


Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Kark. Both the English and Hindi names mean crab. It appears like a quadrilateral and is difficult to locate in the night sky.


Leo is the fifth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Singh. Both the English and Hindi names mean a lion. The prominent stars in this constellation appear like a small triangle with a long tail.


Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Kanya. Both the English and Hindi names mean a girl.


Libra is the seventh zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Tula. Both the English and Hindi names mean a balance which is used for measuring weight.


Scorpio is the eight zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Vrishchik. Both the English and Hindi names mean a scorpion. It is the most prominent zodiac sign in the night sky. Once you are able to locate it, you will seldom forget its appearance in the night sky.


Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Dhanu. Both the English and Hindi names mean an archer. In some cultures, this sign is seen as a teapot. In fact, the shape of teapot is easier to identify in the night sky.


Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Makar. The English name means a horned goat, while the Hindi name means a crocodile. It appears like a huge triangle; more like a boomerang.


Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Kumbh. Both the English and Hindi names mean a man with a water pot.


Pisces is the twelfth zodiac sign. In Hindi, it is named as Matsya. Both the English and Hindi names mean fish. The imaginary form appears like two fishes at the end of two fishing lines.