Class 9 History

The 1905 Revolution

The Tsar was not answerable to parliament. The liberals in Russia (along with the Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries) worked with peasants and workers during the revolution of 1905 to demand a constitution. They were also supported by nationalists and by jadidists (in Muslim dominated areas). The jadidists wanted modernized Islam in their lives.

1904 was a bad year for Russian workers. Prices of essential goods arose so quickly that real wages declined by 20 percent. The membership of workers’ associations increased dramatically. The Assembly of Russian Workers was formed in 1904. When four of its members were dismissed at the Putilov Iron Works, there was a call for industrial action. Over 110,000 workers in St. Petersburg went on strike within a few days. They were demanding an eight hour work-schedule, increase in wages and improved working conditions.

Bloody Sunday

Father Gapon led the procession of workers. When the procession reached the Winter Palace, it was attacked by the police and the Cossacks. Over 100 workers were killed and 300 injured. This incident is known as Bloody Sunday. It started a serried of events which came to be known as the 1905 Revolution.

Cossacks: They are a group of East Slavic-speaking Orthodox Christian people. Cossacks have played important role in historical and cultural development of Ukraine and Russia. Ref: Wikipedia

Strikes took place all over the country. Student bodies staged walkouts and universities were closed down. Lawyers, doctors, engineers and other middle-class workers formed the Union of Unions. They demanded a constituent assembly.

Creation of Duma

The Tsar allowed the creation of an elected consultative Parliament (Duma). Most of the committees and unions which were formed during this period were declared illegal after 1905 and hence many of them continued to work unofficially. The Tsar imposed several restrictions on political activity. The first Duma was dismissed within 75 day and the re-elected second Duma was dismissed within three months. The Tsar then changed the voting laws and the third Duma was packed with conservative politicians.

Effect of First World War

The War was initially popular and people rallied around Tsar Nicholas II. But the Tsar refused to consult the main parties in the Duma, when the war was prolonged. This led to reduced support for the Tsar.

Defeat of Russian Army

The War on the eastern front was different from the War on the western front. On the western front, the armies fought from trenches along the eastern France. On the other hand, the armies moved a good deal on the east and fought battles. Casualties were high on the eastern front. Russia’s armies lost badly in Germany and Austria between 1914 and 1916. By 1917, over 7 million people died in the battle. The retreating Russian army destroyed crops and buildings. The destruction of crops and buildings resulted in 3 million refugees in Russia. This development tarnished the image of the Tsar. Soldiers did not wish to fight such a war.

Effect on Industry

Industry was also badly affected by the war. German control of the Baltic Sea resulted in supplies being cut off to Russia. Due to this, industrial equipments disintegrated more rapidly in Russia than anywhere else in Europe. Railway lines began to break down by 1916. There was shortage of labor because the able-bodied men had been called for the war duty. This led to small workshops being shut and resulted in shortage of essential items. Large supplies of grains were sent to feed the army. There was so much scarcity that riots at bread shops were a common sight by the winter of 1916.

In the winter of 1917, conditions in the capital, Petrograd, were grim. Food shortages were severe in the workers' quarters. The winter was very cold, accompanied by frost and heavy snow.