Class 9 Economics

People as Resources

NCERT Exercise Solution

Part 2

Question 8: Why are women employed in low paid work?

Answer: Our society has evolved in such a way, that a woman’s work is given less importance. Bias against women is the prime reason of lower wages given to women.

Question 9: How will you explain the term unemployment?

Answer: When a person is actively seeking a job but is unable to get employed, he is called an unemployed person. This condition is called unemployment.

Question 10: What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment?

Answer: Disguised employment is the situation when more people are working on something which can be efficiently done by less number of people. Seasonal employment is the situation in which people remain without work in certain months of a year.

Question 11: Why is educated unemployed, a peculiar problem of India?

Answer: India has a huge population and every year a large number of people graduate from schools and colleges. Employment generation in various sectors is not keeping pace with the number of educated people coming out of educational institutions. Due to this, educated unemployed is a peculiar problem of India.

Question 12: In which field do you think India can build the maximum employment opportunity?

Answer: Service sector can generate the maximum employment opportunity.

Question 13: Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?

Answer: The current curriculum is based on theoretical learning and no emphasis is being given on skill development. There should be more emphasis on vocational training so that people can become employable. People in India have a greater inclination towards joining a job rather than becoming entrepreneurs. There is a need for change in such a mindset.

Question 14: Can you imagine some village which initially had no job opportunities but later came up with many?

Answer: There can be many examples of such villages. When an infrastructure project or some industry develops near a village, employment generation takes place. Gurgaon can be a very good example. Before the beginning of the Maruti Udyog Limited, Gurgaon used to be a small village. Subsequent development of industry changed the situation in Gurgaon.

Question 15: Which capital would you consider the best: land, labour, physical capital and human capital? Why?

Answer: Human capital is the best because other resources are useless without human capital.