Class 7 Science

Animal Nutrition

Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type:

Question 1: What is a carnivorous animal? Give two examples.

Answer: Animals, which eat the flesh of other animals, are called carnivorous, e.g. lion, tiger.

Question 2: What is the function of the digestive juice secreted by the liver?

Answer: The digestive juice from the liver breaks up fat into tiny particles. This works in favor of easier digestion of fat.

Question 3: Name the organs that make up the alimentary canal.

Answer: Mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum compose the alimentary canal.

Question 4: Name the four types of teeth.

Answer: The four types of teeth are: Incisors, Canines, Premolars and Molars.

Question 5: Name the four compartments in a ruminant’s stomach.

Answer: Four compartments in a ruminant’s stomach are: Rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.

Choose the correct answer:

Questions 1: Movement of food through alimentary canal is called by which of these terms?

  1. Locomotion
  2. Peristalsis
  3. Pumping
  4. Sliding

Answer: (b) Peristalsis

Question 2: The liver produces which of these enzymes?

  1. Amylase
  2. Trypsin
  3. Lipase
  4. None of these

Answer: (d) None of these.

Question 3: Which of these is not a part of nutrition?

  1. Digestion
  2. Excretion
  3. Assimilation
  4. Egestion

Answer: (b) Excretion.

Question 4: Digestive juice is not secreted by which of these organs?

  1. Small intestine
  2. Liver
  3. Stomach
  4. Oesophagus

Answer: (b) liver

Question 5: The walls of the large intestine absorb which of these?

  1. Cellulose
  2. Digested food
  3. Oxygen
  4. Water

Answer: (d) Water.

Question 6: Which of the following is not a part of ruminant stomach?

  1. Reticulum
  2. Anus
  3. Omasum
  4. Abomasum

Answer: (b) Anus

Question 7: Bile is produced by which organ?

  1. Pancreas
  2. Gall bladder
  3. Liver
  4. Stomach

Answer: (c ) Liver

Match the following

Column AColumn B
(1) Villi(A) Large intestine
(2) Hydrochloric acid(B) Liver
(3) Bile(C) Mouth
(4) Absorption of water(D) Stomach
(5) Mastication(E) Small intestine

Answer: 1-E, 2-D, 3- B, 4- A, 5- C

Fill in the blanks

  1. Most of the enzymes in the small intestine come from ______
  2. The __________ present on our tongue help us to taste food.
  3. Saliva is secreted in the mouth by _______________
  4. Living organisms that cannot make their own food are called__________

Answer: (1) Pancreas, (2) taste receptor, (3) salivary gland, (4) heterotrophs

Write true and false

  1. Absorption and assimilation are similar processes.
  2. Some plants are heterotrophic and depend on others for food.
  3. Hydrochloric acid is present in the stomach.
  4. Pitcher plant is an example of insectivorous plant.
  5. Saprophytes are green in colour.
  6. Ruminants have a three-chambered stomach.
  7. An adult human has 32 teeth in all – 16 in each jaw.
  8. Tongue gives the sense of smell.

Answer: (1) F, (2) T, (3) T, (4) T, (5) F, (6) F, (7) T, (8) F