Class 7 Geography


Extra Questions

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Meteorites burn up in the _________.
  2. The average weather condition of a place over a longer period of time is called _____
  3. ________ winds change their direction in different seasons.
  4. High pressure is associated with _________.
  5. Horizontally, the distribution of air pressure is influenced by the ______ at a given place.
  6. Low pressure is associated with ______
  7. Air moves from area of ___pressure to area of ____ pressure.

Answer: (1) Mesosphere, (2) Climate, (3) Seasonal, (4) Clear and sunny sky, (5) Temperature, (6) Cloudy sky and wet weather, (7) High, low

Match the following description regarding atmosphere and the term

Column IColumn II
(i) Most important layer(a) Stratosphere
(ii) Third layer(b) Troposphere
(iii) Cloudless(c) Mesosphere
(iv) Ionosphere is a part of(d) Exosphere
(v) Layer having very thin air(e) Thermosphere

Answer:i - b, ii - c, iii – a, iv – e, v - d

Match the following terms with their examples

Column IColumn II
(i) Local wind(a) Monsoons
(ii) Permanent wind(b) Loo
(iii) Seasonal wind(c) Trade winds

Answer: i – b, ii – c, iii – a

Match the following terms with what they measure/indicate

Column IColumn II
(i) Thermometer(a) Atmospheric pressure
(ii) Barometer(b) Temperature
(iii) Wind vane(c) Rainfall
(iv) Rain gauge(d) Wind direction

Answer: i – b, ii – a, iii – d, iv - c

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1: ______ is a light gas

  1. Helium
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above

Answer: (a) Helium

Question 2: Air pressure _____ as the height increases

  1. Increases
  2. Falls rapidly
  3. Falls marginally
  4. Remains constant

Answer: (b) Falls rapidly

Question 3: The movement of air from high pressure area to low pressure area is called ______

  1. Atmospheric pressure
  2. Wind
  3. Climate of a place
  4. Season

Answer: (b) Wind

Question 4: _____ is not a form of precipitation.

  1. Snow
  2. Sleet
  3. Loo
  4. Hail

Answer: (c) Loo

Question 5: _____ is/are types of rainfall.

  1. Cyclonic
  2. Orographic
  3. Convectional
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 6: Masses of water droplets are called _____

  1. Rain
  2. Flood
  3. Snow
  4. Cloud

Answer:(d) Cloud

Question 7: _____ is true about winds

  1. They can blow gently or very strongly
  2. They blow away fine dust and smoke
  3. They can uproot trees
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 8: ____ is a local wind

  1. Loo
  2. Sea breeze
  3. Land breeze
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 9: Wind blowing from west is called a/an ____

  1. Easterly
  2. Western
  3. Westerly
  4. Cyclone

Answer: (c) Westerly