Class 10 History

Age of Industrialisation


See Answer

1: (c) 1730s, 2: (a) Cotton textiles, 3: (d) 1840s, 4: (b) Less than 20%, 5: (a) Railways, 6: (c) Poor labours, 7: (b) Supervise weavers, 8: (c) Manchester, 9: (d) Bombay, 10: (a) Opium, 11: (b) Calcutta, 12: (c) Dwarkanath Tagore, 13: (d) European Managing Agencies, 14: (a) China, 15: (b) Cotton piece goods, 16: (c) Bombay and Bengal, 17: (d) Handloom, 18: (a) Made in Manchester, 19: (b) Gods and Goddesses